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  • Hisbrew A6 PRODUCT CARDS Latest 220pm 15.8.2023
  • choosing the right grind size.png
  • all our coffees are freshly roasted with a roasted date label on every bag. (1)

Mount Argopuro - East Java | Coffee Bean | Medium Roast

Regular price
RM 75.00
Sale price
RM 75.00
Regular price
RM 75.00
Free Shipping for order RM40(WM) | RM150(EM) | HisBrew Coffee
Free Shipping for order RM40(WM) | RM150(EM)
Orders will be shipped out within 1 working day via DHL | HisBrew Coffee
Orders will be shipped out within 1 working day via DHL
Free 1-Year Manufacturer Warranty (Coffee Equipment) | HisBrew Coffee
Free 1-Year Manufacturer Warranty (Coffee Equipment)

Product Description

Comes in a 150g

Cupping Score: 85.25

100% Arabica & No Artificial flavoring

Roast Level: Medium Roast

Tasting Notes: Forrest berries, papaya & dark chocolate

Process Method: Super Ultra Natural, 168hr Anaerobic

Varietal: Lini S795 & Kartika

Farm: Mt.Argopuro, East Java 

Altitude: 1,100 - 1,500 masl

The fertile slopes of Mt. Argopuro in East Java yield exceptional specialty coffee beans, nurtured by an ideal climate and mineral-rich soil. 

Cherries are meticulously processed at a wet mill in Botolinggo, where they are washed, sorted, and inspected for quality. After sun-drying for 11-13 days, the beans are sent to a dry mill in Driyorejo. Here, parchment is removed, and beans undergo further sorting by size, defects, and density. 

The finest beans are chosen for export, showcasing the dedication of East Java's coffee farmers and the unique terroir of Mt. Argopuro.

Hisbrew A6 PRODUCT CARDS Latest 220pm 15.8.2023

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Grind Size

Ground (FINE): Moka pot

Ground (Medium): V60 Filter, Aeropress, Chemex, drip coffee

Ground (Coarse): French Press/Cold Brew

Are your beans fresh?

We roast our coffee,

- Daily

- Guaranteed to be shipped out to you within 14 days from the roast date

- Our customers are our pride and joy, and we value you, so let us know if you have any questions.

Worried about HALAL-certified? 

Although we currently are not officially Halal-Certified, rest assured we do not add any product to our beans to make them un-halal. Our beans are all appropriately stored.